Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic Dentistry

The aim of aesthetic smile design is to provide a natural aesthetic appearance and at the same time to obtain a healthy and functional teeth sequence. In other words, aesthetic appearance alone does not always mean good function. The problem is to perfect the result by overlapping these two factors.

An aesthetic smile is primarily provided with a healthy mouth. Healthy teeth should be arranged in a proper order and the gums should be compatible with each other.
Teeth should have enough support to the lips and the profile should be quite good. There should be no gaps between the teeth or the existing gaps should be matched. Color disorders should be eliminated and the person should be able to laugh more white. The missing teeth should be removed by implant or bridge treatment, and the continuity of the thread sequence should be ensured. In short, teeth, gums and lips must be in harmony.

Aesthetic smile design; in accordance with the demands of patients can be done without creating a problem in terms of health. At this point, the aim is to prevent the social phobia of an aesthetic problem that is created for the person.
In the aesthetic smile design, the person can laugh more comfortably and therefore he is renewed with confidence. Almost all patients with smile design have health problems due to disturbances in the teeth. In this way, both an aesthetic appearance and health is achieved.


Porcelain leaves that stick to the front faces of the teeth. It is one of the most conservative treatments. This is due to the small amount of tissue removed from the tooth so that veneers can be made. An average of 0.3-0.7 mm is sufficient to remove the tooth tissue. The veneers are then prepared and adhered to the desired color and form. They are very aesthetically successful because they are very thin and do not contain metal.

Laminate veneers have a unique ability to allow light to pass through, making the teeth to which it is applied look like real. With this feature, it looks like a real tooth in flash and disco lights. (In these lights, the metal-containing coatings appear as black spots like they dont exist in the mouth). The light transmittance of the laminates also varies according to the porcelain and construction technique used.


In this system, zirconium, a white alloy, is used instead of metal. It is the only material capable of presenting this infrastructure with aesthetic and durability together. The biggest advantage of the system is that it provides a very aesthetic appearance on the bridges in the back region with its very high durability.


For many years, a metal substructure was used under the porcelain tooth for durability in porcelain applications. Since it is known that this metal substructure has gums, bad breath, general body health and most importantly aesthetic disadvantages, the search for an alternative material to metal in porcelain infrastructure has been going on for years. Zirconium, which has been used successfully in other fields of medicine, was replaced by porcelain metal in dentistry.

Because these new zirconium substructure porcelain coatings not only doesnt cause any gingival problems and allergies, but also provide light aesthetics and function close to natural teeth.

The crowns and bridges made by placing porcelain on top of the zirconium are referred to as CERCON, which is a combination of the words Ceramic and Zirconium. The system with 900 Mpa-1200 Mpa resistance has initiated a whole new era in dentistry by including the highest physical values, light transmittance, tissue adaptation and many different indications.

The success of the material has been proven in medicine and industry. As a result of the researches started in 1988, clinical applications have been started all over the world since the beginning of 2002. With this new application, the aesthetic concerns of metal-ceramic and full-ceramic restorations in the patient are absolutely eliminated.


· Single tooth crown restorations
· Various bridges
· Implant crown-bridge studies.

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